Year to Date Period Reporting

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Year to Date Period Reporting

What is the Year to Date Period setting?

The YTD tab in Period Close will allow you to specify which periods in Eclipse belong to the current and previous year, and to run reports based on this.


When to use it?

Generally this should only be used when you are required to generate a report on Year to Date rather than To Date figures (which is the default in Eclipse). For example, needing to provide special reports for your auditors and year end.


How to use it?

1. Navigate to your Control Table → System Defaults → General Ledger tab and untick Hide YTD Option to enable the Year to Date reporting functionality.


2. Navigate to General Ledger → Period CloseYTD tab to access the YTD Option. By default both the current and pervious year will be set as blank to 999999 to run over every single period.

3. Add the starting and ending period for the current year and the previous year. The period ranges you specify here in the YTD tab will be used to run your YTD reports.

You can then press the Cancel button or X button to close the Period Close window (you do not need to run any report here or close your period for it to take effect).

For example, in the screenshot below our current year periods are from 100317 to 100322, and our previous year is from periods 100310 to 100316 so this is what we would insert into the fields.

If you are unsure of your period numbers, you can navigate to the Periods tab and select the Previous Periods dropdown box to see all past periods.

4. After you have set your YTD periods you must run a Chart Rebuild in the Budget Worksheet by following this guide: How to run a Chart Rebuild.

You should run a Chart Rebuild each time you change your YTD period ranges to recalculate the periods and fix any out of balance errors.


5. To run the YTD Report navigate to the General Ledger Financial Report module and select the Report Layout called Trial Balance Period Range.

All reports in Eclipse use the To Date amounts, but this specific report layout is designed to display YTD amounts.

If you do not have a copy of this report layout in your database, then please contact support so they can configure it for you.






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