Statement Of Investor Funds

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Statement Of Investor Funds

The following article provides steps for running a statement of investor funds report.


  1. Go to General Ledger → Financial Reports





3. Select the heading and detailed level. In most instances this is set to level 3 and 4 as the chart codes uploaded by TPH are set to this level. Alternatively check the chart of accounts and look at what the header and detail accounts are set to there for the correct inputs.


If your accounts have been setup to levels past 3 and 4 you can drill down the report to filter these accounts also. All that is required is to change the inputs in the fields to the appropriate and run the report. Please not that accounts set to a level greater then the specified will default into the detail's account with the same sequencing. An example of this is where there is a level 5 and 6 account. By default if you run the report at Detail level 5, the level 6 account will be added into the level 5 account above it. See an example of a level 6 account that will default into a level 5 total.


Now select the Currency. Native amounts will return a result of the exact numerical value entered whereas setting a base currency will complete a currency conversion using the exchange rate set in Currencies under the Control Table.


4. Next go to the Report Range/Options tab


5. Select the currency, location and episode to run the report over. These selections will be chart codes from the chart of accounts.


6. Now leave the PROD, DETL and SETN as listed above to run the report over all accounts or amend them as shown below to filter the report to present chart codes from a specific range.


In our example we are going to run the report to only return accounts from 1000 to 5999. All that is required is to enter 1000 in the “from” field and 5999 in the “to” field.



7. Other parameters that can be included are listed below with a short description


  • Include zero accounts - This will include accounts with a zero balance

  • Exclude zero budget_efc - All zero budget and efc accounts will be excluded

  • Exclude zero period variance - All zero period variance accounts will be excluded

  • Exclude blank notes - All blank notes accounts will be excluded

  • Exclude non postable accounts - All accounts listed as non postable will be excluded

  • Exclude zero fringe - All accounts with a zero fringe will be excluded


  • Consolidate - All accounts with the same chart code will be consolidated together


  • Flag Filters - Return a report for transactions flagged with a specific letter or number. This field work similar to the filter for chart codes. The filter will require a “from” and “to” entry, which will return a total for all transaction with the flags in the account.


  • Include unposted batches - include unposted transaction in the report


  • Sort - Sort accounts by normal, block or set


8. To further break down the chart codes into groups, click on the Sequence Range tab. See the article below for further explanation on this feature option.

Sequence Ranges


9. Go back to the Report Details tab, click Save and then click OK to run the report.