Process Of Creating, Sending and Approving Invoice - Eclipse to Digital Paper Flow

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Process Of Creating, Sending and Approving Invoice - Eclipse to Digital Paper Flow

The article below explains the process of creating an invoice in Eclipse, sending it to Digital Paper Flow for the approval group selection and finally sending it to the approver. The article then explains how an approver can choose to approve the invoice via email or by logging into Digital Paper Flow.



Creating The Invoice In Eclipse


  1. Refer to the following article which goes through the process of entering an invoice into eclipse.

Inserting a New Invoice


Send The Invoice To Digital Paper Flow


3. Once you are directed back to the Unposted Invoice List window.   Highlight the invoice (s), then

right-click and select Send to DPF.  Then click the Start button.  

Note if you receive an error message at this stage it means you have not been enabled to use this feature, contact support@helpdesk.tphglobal.com




4. The invoice has now disappeared from the original batch and has been moved to a new batch called DPF Draft Invoices. Once it has been sent for approval in DPF, it will move to the DPF Pending Invoices Batch.  Then once fully approved it will move to the DPF Approved Invoices Batch, where it can be posted.



Setup Default Approver Group In Eclipse


(Now a default approval group can be setup in eclipse for all invoices that you send to Digital Paper Flow. In order to set this up you will need to go to Control Table → System Defaults → Digital Paper.


Now type in the already created approval group name in the Default Approver Group field and click OK.


Login Into Digital Paper Flow To Select Approval Group


Once the invoice is sent to Digital Paper Flow you will need to login as the operator and allocate the invoice an approval group before it can be sent to the approver.


If an invoice has a PO transferred to it via PO transfer in Eclipse, when the invoice is sent to Digital Paper Flow from Eclipse it will use the PO approval chain as the approver group selection. This means that every PO approval chain needs an invoice approval chain inside it as well.


If an invoice DOES NOT have a PO transferred to it then when that invoice is sent to DPF it will use the ‘default’ approval chain setup in Eclipse.


5. The Invoice will appear in your Drafts Section. First click the Edit button. If you have already setup a default approval group, skip this step and proceed to direction 7.



6. Now select the approval group then click save to finalise your changes.



7. The invoice can now be sent for approval. Click Send to send the invoice to the first approver.




Approve Via Email


Once an invoice has been sent to the approver to approve an email will arrive from invoices@processing.digitalpaperflow.com or invoices@processing.digitalpaperflow.co.uk. An example of the email is provided below.


8. Now to approve via email all the approver needs to do is click reply in their email application and push send. No response is required for the invoice to be marked as approved by the approver.


Approve Via Digital Paper Flow


Approving via the Digital Paper Flow website provides the approver more options when making a decision on how to respond to the invoice sent for approval.


The approver has the option to either edit the invoices distribution lines description, the flags and chart code. They also have the option to decline, hold and of course approve the invoice.


  • First click on the Approve section to view the invoice . To edit the invoice details simply click the Edit button on the selected invoice and make the changes where applicable and click save.



9. To Hold, Decline or Approve the invoice simply click the buttons on the top task bar.




10. Once Approved the invoice will be stamped with the approvers name and moved into the approved folder of Digital Paper Flow



11. Now that the invoice has been approved it can be moved to another batch in Eclipse before posting and processing for payment. To move the invoice to another batch select the invoice, then right click the mouse and click Move Batch.


12. Select the batch to move the invoice into and click OK



After the invoice is approved, then posted, and has a cheque printed for it, the cheque remittance PDF is automatically added to the invoice transaction record and is viewable in DPF and Eclipse.



Additional Features:


Setting Up The Invoice To Skip Approvers When PO Transferred Matches Invoice Details


If the invoice is a perfect match with the PO that was originally raised, as the accountant you have to option for the invoice to skip the approvers if the PO Match feature is setup in the approvers Digital Paper Flow Setup. This feature needs to be turned on by your Digital Paper Flow administrator of TPH Support


  1. To flag the invoice to skip approvers with the PO Match feature set on the accountant must go into the Digital Approver tab in Eclipse when the invoice is being completed and tick PO Matches.

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